Vision Released – Brisbane’s Biggest Park in 50 Years

The draft vision for Brisbane’s 45 hectare Victoria Park  has been released, reports


The concept plan has been derived from 5400 ideas from the public along with advice from experts.


The conversion of the 18-hole golf course is proposed to include:

  • Lake Barrambin – 1.4 hectare lake with kayaking encouraged
  • Cultural Hub – The stand-out attraction 
  • Suspended canopy walk and treehouse 
  • Nature and Water Play Gully – a series of waterholes
  • Urban Farm with farmgate to sell produce
  • Wetlands
  • Boardwalks
  • Sports facilities including sports fields, crickets nets, tennis courts and golf skills green. 


Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said the new facility will have a diverse range of activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. 


“This iconic park will also drive tourism by attracting national and international visitors, given its proximity to the city and public transport links.

“We are already a green space capital with more than 2100 parks, but this one is going to be one of Australia’s iconic spaces.


“Residents told us they want a natural place filled with shady trees and water features, and the vision reflects this with opportunities to increase the tree canopy from 10% to 55% and create a lake and wetlands, while protecting this greenspace for future generations,” Cr Schrinner said.


The plan will be open for public discussion until the end of April, with the transition to the new concept beginning in 2021. 


Hannah Schuhmann said the project is yet another great attraction the City will have to offer. Those living and holidaying in the CBD will be able to utilise public transport such as the Brisbane Metro to enjoy the facilities this urban sanctuary will have to offer. 


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